
Small Businesses Also Need Social Media Strategy

There are over three billion social media users at present and the number is rising each day. An average internet user today makes use of five social media accounts that they are checking almost daily. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that social media should be seen as an important inbound marketing strategy.  1….


Why Is Personal Branding Important

Personal branding is the marketing of people and their career as a brand. It is essential for any business coach or influencer who wants to share their story. As an influencer, or expert one needs to create a niche. With personal branding, one can increase the social media following, which will help with business sales…


Rise of QR codes in 2021

The use of QR code is rising. Hygiene is the major reason for its growing popularity The Japanese innovation of a QR Code is enabling people with touch-less engagement. So, businesses can minimize the spread of Covid 19. A recent survey shows that about 78% of the world’s population owns a smartphone and with these…


Get Quick Response In Your Business

Quick Response Code or QR Code is the fast-catching trend in e-commerce businesses worldwide. Started in Japan, today, entrepreneurs are making use of QR codes to create an impression and transact with their prospective customers quickly. What is A QR Code It is a two-dimensional blackened white square barcode that can store encoded data. This…